This page shows Android apps. For iPhone apps, click here.

We’ve done our research and carefully chose a handful of apps that will help make you more productive. Whether you’re creating presentations, meetings, PDFs, documents, tasks or reminders, we found an app for that!

Click on an app to learn its rating, cost and how it can be applied.

Note: To protect the information on your portable device, NFP requires that you establish a 4-digit Passcode Lock in the security settings of your device.

The new standard for paperless document transfer using your Android tablet or mobile device.

Adobe Reader
Adobe Reader

Protect your device from harmful viruses.

AVG Mobile AntiVirus Security PRO
Antivirus Pro Android Security

Create world-class presentations from your Android device

Deck Slideswow Presentations
Deck Slideshow Presentations

Store, access and collaborate on personal and business files.

Egnyte Enterprise

Create detailed notes, to-do-lists, voice reminders and more.


Flipboard brings together world and social news in a magazine personalized for you.


Create and run online meetings from anywhere via your Android tablet.

Fuze for Tablets

On-the-go scanning capabilities

Genius Scan+ - PDF Scanner
Genius Scan+ - PDF Scanner

On-the-go scanning capabilities

Genius Scan+ - PDF Scanner
Google Translate

You contact is more than just a name. Search your phone’s contact more organically.


Mail beautiful personalized greeting cards from your Android device.

Ink Cards

Create reminders for daily personal and business tasks.

Life Reminders
Life Reminders

Access, view and edit Microsoft Excel documents on your Android device.

Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Office Excel

Create detailed notes you can refer back to later.

Microsoft Office OneNote
Microsoft Office OneNote

Access, view and edit Microsoft Powerpoint documents on your Android device.

Microsoft Powerpoint
Microsoft Office Powerpoint

Access, view and edit Microsoft Word documents on your Android device.

Microsoft Word
Microsoft Office Word

Locate your Android device on a map.

Phone Finder
Phone Finder!

Bookmark content on your device in one, easy-to-use app.


Experience the world’s most powerful CRM from just about anywhere.


Sunrise is a free calendar app made for Google Calendar, iCloud and Exchange.


Waze is the world’s largest community-based traffic and navigation app.


Easily manage and share your daily to-do lists.


No app should be used as a stand-alone imaging system, and documents should be housed in an approved document storage system.

For use of Evernote or other audio recording Apps – In accordance with applicable state and/or federal regulation, please notify all participants prior to recordings.

NFP Advisor Services, LLC does not provide legal or tax advice.

Securities offered through NFP Advisor Services, LLC (NFPAS), member FINRA/SIPC. NFP Advisor Services, LLC is a subsidiary of National Financial Partners Corp. (NFP).

NFP Securities Advisors who use applications (apps) in the course of their securities business are responsible for ensuring that the app(s) being used adheres to current NFPAS policies relating to customer privacy, electronic communications, and supervisory review and approval.

Prices of the apps are subject to change.

If you'd like to recommend additional apps for this site or if you have questions, contact Adnan Raja at or 512-697-6244.

ACR# 136033