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Jim Keeps in Touch

Jim needs a way to strengthen his existing advisor relationships. Some of his advisors are regular partners, while others are rarely in contact. He needs to find a way to deliver valuable, fresh content to them on a consistent basis. Then he remembers that unsung hero, MRL, which allows him to send customized, email-based content on a regular basis.

Jim decides to start with the InSights e-newsletter, delivered to his advisors at the beginning of each month. Thanks to MRL, Jim is able to remind those less-frequently-in-touch advisors of the value he brings to the relationship, which drums up some new business. Once again, MRL gets it done.


You need more frequent advisor touches but don’t have time to constantly develop new material.


MRL’s supplementary content and HTML email functionality allow you to provide fresh content while maintaining consistent contact with your clients and advisors.

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